There is a spoiler in this review so only read if you have seen the movie.
The Sixth sense was just released on Blu-Ray so this has given me a perfect reason to
finally go and watch it again.
I've only been able to watch the 6th Sense fully through once since the day I saw it at the movies.
This is a compliment to the film.
I think the 6the Sense might be a more emotional film while watching it after having already seen it.
Once you have seen the movie and know what the out come is,
re-watching is a very satisfying and interesting experience.
Every single thing that shows you what has happened to Bruce Willis is right on the screen.
You can watch and see every single clue because they are all right there.
There is no cheat in this movie, everything works and it all adds up.
Right there in the movie Osmet tells you what is happening when he says right to Willis,
“I see dead people” and “they don't know there're dead”.
The 6th Sense is so casual in it's pacing that you just don't notice what is happening until the very end.
I feel sad for anybody who figured out the reveal before the end or anyone who claims they did
because it ruins the shock and the feeling of excitement
when you realize it out for the first time.
Also amazing is the performance of Haley Osmet.
It is rare that someone that young can pull off a great performance,
as this one, without looking silly.
Bruce Willis is subdued and almost whispers his entire role,
but it helps everything else around him become even more pronounced.
6th Sense is classified as horror, but there really isn't much in the film that's scary
as much as it is chilling. It's much more then a simple horror flick.
It's hard to say this isn't a perfect movie, I'll give this is 4.5 out of 5 stars.
Plus it is just as good if not better on successive viewings.
The 6th Sense is truly a modern classic.
Watch it once and carefully pay attention, then watch it again and see how it all plays out perfectly.
4.5 out of 5 stars.