It's been a few months since I've posted anything as I haven't
had anything to say.
Over the last few months I've been
promoted at my job at Blockbuster.
I was made a 4 star csr, which is
basically a glorified csr who does
some of the things a regular manager
would do but less pay.
My wife's son went into the airforce so we
were finally able to get his car from him.
The car that we were paying for.
So now we have 3 cars, anyone want to buy a car?
I've found some old friends that I
haven't seen or spoken to
in over 20 years and I am overjoyed to
know them again.
I have lost touch with a few that
I hope to speak to again soon.
Still watching movies all the time,
you can see what I've watched in the link
on the right side.
I have almost finished my hometheater room.
We just need to do the trim
around the door and install rugs.
We also haven't decided on a name for the room.
I've been spending a lot of time on facebook
were I was able to find some
old friends and a couple found me.
During our visit to Atlanta last year
we ended up coming
home with my wife's son's 2 dachshunds.
Now we have 6 puppies that are 3 weeks old.
They were born on Friday March 13th.
Our Pom, Parker is the father and
Jenny one of the dachshunds is the mom.
These dogs are seriously cute and cuddly.
Super adorable.
Both of us really loves these pups.
Unfortunately we can't keep
all these dogs so we are
in the process of selling most of them.
Very bittersweet because we know we can't
keep all these dogs it also don't want to give them up.
I'll try to post some pictures of them if I can figure out how.
If anyone is reading my blog I'd appreciate
if you could go to the links on the right and
sign up as a follower, I'd also
appreciate and comments you might have.
That's it for now.
I'm going to post my thoughts as I watch and sometimes after each game this season. This is mostly for myself so I can go back and see what I was thinking but also for anyone who wants to follow along.
- Home
- My Phillies Game by Game review: games 2 through 2...
- Game 23 Phils @ Arizona - April 26 2011
- Game 24 Phils @ Arizona April 27, 2011
- Game 25 Mets @ Phils April 29th - 3 games
- Game 26 Mets @ Phils April 30th
- Game 27 Mets @ Phils Sunday night May 1st ESPN ga...
- Game 28 National @ Phils May 2nd
- Game 29 Nationals @ Phils May 4th